[Samba] Winbind, still unreliable
brucehohl at access-4-free.com
brucehohl at access-4-free.com
Sun Nov 14 15:53:53 GMT 2004
Similar to below, in the case of a Samba server + winbind on
SuSE 9.1 I have also experienced the problem of winbind
working immediately after start up but failing after some
hours or days (restart of winbind corrects the problem).
After failure no new user connections can be made. This has
occurred under [SuSE] samba-winbind versions 3.0.2a and
3.0.4. I recently upgraded to samba-winbind 3.0.8 and
winbind failed to start at all forcing me to go back to
samba-winbind 3.0.4. I can not move this server from the
testing phase with a small number of testers to production
with this issue. Thanks to anyone who can propose a method
to trouble shoot this problem. Perhaps the problem relates
to my Windows AD server.
> Hi there,
> I recently posted about problems with winbind resolving
> names from ADS.
> We have an ADS Domain Controller serving the domain
> MED-DUS and an NT 4 PDC serving the domain MEDOIL.
> We want to use a samba server as memberserver in the
> MED-DUS domain. I joined the samba server to the MED-DUS
> domain. The domain join worked ok. All users (including
> MEDOIL) are visible.
> Next i started winbind. Made sure (via wbinfo and getent)
> that everything is working fine and was a proud owner of
> a Samba fileserver.
> Next we started migrating (test) user accounts. After some
> time resolving names for the MED-DUS domain stopped
> working. wbinfo showed MEDOIL domain information only.
> Restarting winbind fixed the situation. I.e. MED-DUS was
> back again. But after some time the problem appeared
> again.
> I tried several versions of winbind (not yet the one from
> 3.0.8), tried starting (as suggested by a helpful soul)
> winbind with the -n option.
> To no avail. Winbind stops serving the MED-DUS domain
> after some time. I didn't see traces in the logs.
> I tried samba-3.0.7 rpms from suse and sernet. Linux
> Distribution is Suse Prof. 9.0.
> Anyone had the same behaviour? Anyone a clue what's going
> on?
> Regards
> Peter
> --
> dadi-linux www.dadi-linux.de
> Peter Eckhardt Fon: +49 6071 951256
> Weberstr. 36B Fax: +49 6071 951257
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