[Samba] Winbind, still unreliable
Peter Eckhardt
peter.eckhardt at dadi-linux.de
Fri Nov 12 13:56:18 GMT 2004
Hi there,
I recently posted about problems with winbind resolving names from ADS.
We have an ADS Domain Controller serving the domain MED-DUS and an NT 4
PDC serving the domain MEDOIL.
We want to use a samba server as memberserver in the MED-DUS domain. I
joined the samba server to the MED-DUS domain.
The domain join worked ok. All users (including MEDOIL) are visible.
Next i started winbind. Made sure (via wbinfo and getent) that
everything is working fine and was a proud owner of a Samba fileserver.
Next we started migrating (test) user accounts. After some time
resolving names for the MED-DUS domain stopped working. wbinfo showed
MEDOIL domain information only. Restarting winbind fixed the situation.
I.e. MED-DUS was back again. But after some time the problem appeared again.
I tried several versions of winbind (not yet the one from 3.0.8), tried
starting (as suggested by a helpful soul) winbind with the -n option.
To no avail. Winbind stops serving the MED-DUS domain after some time.
I didn't see traces in the logs.
I tried samba-3.0.7 rpms from suse and sernet. Linux Distribution is
Suse Prof. 9.0.
Anyone had the same behaviour? Anyone a clue what's going on?
dadi-linux www.dadi-linux.de
Peter Eckhardt Fon: +49 6071 951256
Weberstr. 36B Fax: +49 6071 951257
64846 Groß-Zimmern peter.eckhardt at dadi-linux.de
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