[Samba] can any one send me his gdm file
31sahibzada at niit.edu.pk
31sahibzada at niit.edu.pk
Mon Jun 21 10:00:23 GMT 2004
i am still stuck with the single sign on.
i am using red hat 9 with the latest kerberos packages and samba 3.0.4.
i have tried different combinations in the pam.d/gdm file but i always get
my system stuck.
can any one send me a gdm file where gdm uses single sign on.
Sahibzada Junaid Noor
Ph#(+92) (051) 5950 940
Cell#(+92) (0333) 5223586
Qazi plaza,Third Floor,Commerical Market,
Chaklala Scheme 3,
Islamic Republic of Pakistan
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