[Samba] roaming profil problem
Fabrice Tereszkiewicz
fabrice.tz at eikonex.net
Mon Jun 7 08:45:40 GMT 2004
I've changed the UNIX perms, still the same problem.
Le sam 05/06/2004 à 03:48, Greg Folkert a écrit :
> On Fri, 2004-06-04 at 12:31, Fabrice Tereszkiewicz wrote:
> > It didn't work. A user without local administrator's rights can't use
> > his old roaming profile. I've changed the samba SID to fit with the one
> > in the NTUSER.dat file, didn't work anymore.
> >
> > any other ideas ?
> I have fixed it by using UNIX perms as well.
> chown -R username.sambadomainadmingroup /dir/where/profiles/are/username
> chomd -R 750 /dir/where/profiles/are/username
> That usually takes care of it also. Did and does for me. The
> samdadomainadmingroup is the group that is the equiv of the NT
> domain-admins.
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