[Samba] spam (way offtopic, sorry ;-)

Sam Hart hart at physics.arizona.edu
Tue Jan 13 19:07:20 GMT 2004

In the Spam that made it onto this list yesterday I took the time to look 
into the headers (out of curiosity) and I found this:

X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 2.61 ( on 
X-Spam-Status: No, hits=-84.0 required=3.5 tests=BANG_GUARANTEE,BAYES_99,
        LIVE_PORN,USER_IN_WHITELIST autolearn=no version=2.61

So SpamAssassin (which I am a big fan of, BTW) scanned the message and 
somehow determine that the hits for it should be -84 in spite of all the 
various marks against it? What's up with that?

Uh... could it be that the Samba lists server isn't set up properly for 
SpamAssassin? Anyway, perhaps someone should point that out to whomever is 
maintaining the lists on samba.org ;-)

(Sorry for OT, I just found that very odd indeed ;-)

Sam Hart
University/Work addr. <hart at physics.arizona.edu>
Personal addr. <criswell at geekcomix.com>
Alternative <criswell at tux4kids.net>

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