[Samba] swat error

bfinch at w9ya0.pointclark.net bfinch at w9ya0.pointclark.net
Sat Jan 10 21:20:40 GMT 2004

I am getting the following error when trying to connect to

500 Server Error

chdir failed - the server is not configured correctly

Are there any known fixes for this ?


I noticed that some of the directives, such as datadir, might be
non-functional or ignored elsewhere in coding of swat

Could this be the cause of the above errors ?

Finally here is the cli output from a session with konqueror;

KServiceTypeProfile::offers( KURIFilter/Plugin, )
kio (KTrader): Returning 4 offers
kurifilter (plugins): (28549) Keywords Engine: Loading config...
kurifilter (plugins): (28549) Keyword Delimiter: :
kurifilter (plugins): (28549) Internet Keyword Enabled: true
kurifilter (plugins): (28549) Selected IKWS Engine(s):
kurifilter (plugins): (28549) Internet Keywords Fallback Search Engine:
kio (KTrader): KServiceTypeProfile::offers( SearchProvider, )
kio (KTrader): Returning 43 offers
konqueror: _url localhost:901 filtered into http://localhost:901
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::openURL : url = 'http://localhost:901' 
serviceType='' view=(nil)
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::abortLoading()
konqueror: KonqView::stop()
khtml (part): saveState!
konqueror: setLocationBarURL : url = http://localhost:901
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::setLocationBarURL: url = http://localhost:901
konqueror: trying openView for http://localhost:901 (servicetype )
konqueror: Creating new konqrun for http://localhost:901
konqueror: [void KonqView::setLoading(bool, bool)] loading=true
kparts: BrowserRun::scanfile http://localhost:901
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_http' from launcher.
kio (KLauncher): kio_http (pid 28553) up and running.
DCOP: register 'anonymous-28553' -> number of clients is now 3
kio (KIOJob): TransferJob::slotRedirection(http://localhost:901/)
konqueror: KonqRun::slotRedirection from http://localhost:901 to
libkonq: ## addToHistory: http://localhost:901Typed URL: , Title:
libkonq: ## addToHistory: http://localhost:901/Typed URL: , Title:
DCOP: register 'anonymous-28553' -> number of clients is now 4
kio (KLauncher): KLauncher: Got
start_service_by_desktop_path('http_cache_cleaner.desktop', ...)
kdeinit: Got EXEC_NEW 'kio_http_cache_cleaner' from launcher.
kio (KLauncher): kio_http_cache_cleaner (pid 28554) up and running.
DCOP: unregister 'anonymous-28553-2'
DCOP: register 'kio_http_cache_cleaner' -> number of clients is now 4
kio (kioslave): SlaveBase::checkCachedAuthInfo window = 46137349 url =
DCOP: register 'anonymous-28553' -> number of clients is now 5
kio (KPasswdServer): KPasswdServer::checkAuthInfo: User= , WindowId =
kio_http: (28553) ============ Sending Header:
kio_http: (28553) GET / HTTP/1.1
kio_http: (28553) Connection: Keep-Alive
kio_http: (28553) User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/3.1; Linux)
kio_http: (28553) Accept: text/html, image/jpeg, image/png, text/*,
image/*, */*
kio_http: (28553) Accept-Encoding: x-gzip, x-deflate, gzip, deflate, identity
kio_http: (28553) Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.5, *;q=0.5
kio_http: (28553) Accept-Language: en
kio_http: (28553) Host: localhost:901
kio_http_cache_cleaner: Current size of cache = 0 kB.
DCOP: unregister 'kio_http_cache_cleaner'
kdeinit: PID 28554 terminated.
kio_http: (28553) ============ Received Response:
kio_http: (28553) "HTTP/1.0 500 Server Error"
kio_http: (28553) "Connection: close"
kio_http: (28553) "Content-Type: text/html"
kio_http: (28553) --empty--
kparts: slotBrowserMimetype: found text/html for http://localhost:901/
kio (KIOJob): Job::kill this=0x82b6940 m_progressId=0 quietly=true
konqueror: KonqRun::foundMimeType text/html
konqueror: [void KonqView::setLoading(bool, bool)] loading=false
konqueror: makeViewsFollow KonqView url=http://localhost:901/
konqueror: changeViewMode: serviceType is text/html serviceName is 
current service name is konq_aboutpage
konqueror: Switching view modes...
konqueror: Trying to create view for "text/html"
kio (KTrader): KServiceTypeProfile::offers( text/html,Application )
kio (KTrader): Returning 3 offers
kio (KTrader): KServiceTypeProfile::offers( text/html,KParts/ReadOnlyPart )
kio (KTrader): Returning 2 offers
libkonq: text/html.desktop
libkonq: X-KDE-AutoEmbed set to true
konqueror: khtml : X-KDE-BrowserView-AllowAsDefault is valid : false
kdecore (KLibLoader): library libkhtml.la not found under 'module' but
under 'lib'
konqueror: KonqView::switchView
kparts: found Plugin :
/opt/kde/share/apps/khtml/kpartplugins/kget_plug_in.rc !
kparts: found Plugin :
/opt/kde/share/apps/khtml/kpartplugins/khtmlsettingsplugin.rc !
kparts: found Plugin :
/opt/kde/share/apps/khtml/kpartplugins/plugin_babelfish.rc !
kparts: found Plugin :
/opt/kde/share/apps/khtml/kpartplugins/plugin_domtreeviewer.rc !
kparts: found Plugin :
/opt/kde/share/apps/khtml/kpartplugins/plugin_validators.rc !
kparts: found Plugin :
/opt/kde/share/apps/khtml/kpartplugins/plugin_webarchiver.rc !
kparts: found Plugin :
/opt/kde/share/apps/khtml/kpartplugins/uachangerplugin.rc !
kparts: load plugin khtml_kget
kparts: load plugin khtmlsettingsplugin
kparts: load plugin babelfish
kparts: load plugin domtreeviewer
kparts: load plugin validators
kparts: load plugin webarchiver
kparts: load plugin UserAgentChanger
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::slotPartChanged
kparts: 0x80bb7c8 emitting activePartChanged 0x82c9508
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::slotPartActivated 0x82c9508 khtml
konqueror: New current view 0x81ec710
kparts: MainWindow::createGUI, part=0x82c9508 KHTMLPart
kparts: deactivating GUI for 0x81ed218 KonqAboutPage
kparts: Part::~Part 0x81ed218
kparts: deleting widget [KHTMLView pointer (0x822c850) to widget view
widget, geometry=819x518+0+0] view widget
konqueror: KonqView::openURL url=http://localhost:901/
konqueror: KonqView::setLocationBarURL http://localhost:901/ this=0x81ec710
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::setLocationBarURL: url = http://localhost:901/
khtml (part): KHTMLPart(0x82c9508)::openURL http://localhost:901/
khtml (part): closing old URL
khtml (part): KHTMLPart::openURL now (before started) m_url =
konqueror: [void KonqView::setLoading(bool, bool)] loading=true
khtml (part): saveState!
khtml (part): KHTMLPart::saveState saving URL http://localhost:901/
libkonq: ## addToHistory: http://localhost:901/Typed URL:
http://localhost:901/, Title:
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::openView ok=true bOthersFollowed=false
returning true
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::slotPartActivated 0x82c9508 khtml
konqueror: New current view 0x81ec710
kparts: MainWindow::createGUI, part=0x82c9508 KHTMLPart
kparts: deactivating GUI for 0x82c9508 KHTMLPart
konqueror: KonqView::setLocationBarURL http://localhost:901/ this=0x81ec710
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::setLocationBarURL: url = http://localhost:901/
kio (Scheduler): Resume metadata is ''
kio (Scheduler): HOLD: Reusing held slave for http://localhost:901/
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::slotRunFinished()
konqueror: KRun::abort 0x82cae38 m_showingError=false
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::setCaption(http://localhost:901/)
khtml (part): SSL in use? FALSE
khtml (part): setIcon decrypted done.
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::setCaption(http://localhost:901/)
konqueror: KonqMainWindow::setCaption(500 Server Error)
konqueror: KonqView::slotCompleted hasPending=false
khtml (part): saveState!
khtml (part): KHTMLPart::saveState saving URL http://localhost:901/
libkonq: ## addToHistory: http://localhost:901/Typed URL: localhost:901,
Title: 500 Server Error
konqueror: [void KonqView::setLoading(bool, bool)] loading=false

*****************end of snip********************

Thank you for your time.

Very best regards;

Bob Finch

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