[Samba] Seeking Users Who Have Migrated From NT 4.0 to Linux

Ellen J. Silverman ellen at thesilverword.com
Mon Feb 23 20:41:45 GMT 2004



I am involved in a research project on migrating from Windows NT 4.0 to
Linux.  As part of the project, I would like to interview users who have
successfully replaced NT 4.0 with Linux in one or more of the following
application areas: file/print sharing, database, email, web serving, and
network infrastructure. 


The interview would involve spending about one hour on the telephone to
discuss several topics, including: 

*	What were the factors in making the decision to switch from NT to
*	What was the ease of the migration? 
*	How long did the migration project take? 
*	What were the overriding cost objectives and were they met? 


Your name and the identity of your organization will be kept confidential.
Participants who successfully complete the interview with valid information
will be compensated with a $200 AmEx gift certificate. 


If you are interested in participating in this study, please reply to
ellen at thesilverword.com with a telephone number, some background on your
environment and the migration from NT 4.0 to Linux, and the level of your
involvement in the project. 


Thank you. 


Ellen J. Silverman


The Silver Word

http://www.thesilverword.com <http://www.thesilverword.com/> 


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