[Samba] VFS module programmieren

Markus Feldmann feldmann_markus at gmx.de
Tue Feb 17 10:36:19 GMT 2004

############################# In German :

gibt es da Jemanden der mir den folgenden Text vielleicht ein bischen besser
erklären kann?
Habe dies aus dem Samba Developers Guide.

Warum mach ich das nun?

Ich habe ein Problem:
Ich will das jedes mal wenn ein User versucht einen Ordner in der Freigabe
zu verschieben oder umzubenenner, der nicht leer ist,
eine Fehlermeldung auf dem Client erscheint.
###############################In English:

is there anybody who can me explain the Text below.
I got this Text from the Samba Developers Guide.

Why do i wanna know this?

Because i have got a problem:
I wanna that everytime an user do drag and drop or rename a folder, which is
not emty,
that this will be prevented and the Client get a warning message.

Samba Developers Guide:
Chapter 12. VFS Modules
Alexander Bokovoy
<ab at samba.org>

Stefan Metzmacher
<metze at metzemix.de>

27 May 2003

Table of Contents

  The Samba (Posix) VFS layer
    The general interface
    Possible VFS operation layers
  The Interaction between the Samba VFS subsystem and the modules
    Initialization and registration
    How the Modules handle per connection data
  Upgrading to the New VFS Interface
    Upgrading from 2.2.* and 3.0aplha modules
  Some Notes
    Implement TRANSPARENT functions
    Implement OPAQUE functions
The Samba (Posix) VFS layer
The general interface
Each VFS operation has a vfs_op_type, a function pointer and a handle
pointer in the struct vfs_ops and tree macros to make it easier to call the
operations. (Take a look at include/vfs.h and include/vfs_macros.h.)

typedef enum _vfs_op_type {


	/* File operations */



} vfs_op_type;

This struct contains the function and handle pointers for all operations.

struct vfs_ops {
	struct vfs_fn_pointers {

		/* File operations */

		int (*open)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
			struct connection_struct *conn,
			const char *fname, int flags, mode_t mode);
		int (*close)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
			struct files_struct *fsp, int fd);
		ssize_t (*read)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
			struct files_struct *fsp, int fd, void *data, size_t n);
		ssize_t (*write)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
			struct files_struct *fsp, int fd,
			const void *data, size_t n);
		SMB_OFF_T (*lseek)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
			struct files_struct *fsp, int fd,
			SMB_OFF_T offset, int whence);
		ssize_t (*sendfile)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
			int tofd, files_struct *fsp, int fromfd,
			const DATA_BLOB *header, SMB_OFF_T offset, size_t count);

	} ops;

	struct vfs_handles_pointers {

		/* File operations */

		struct vfs_handle_struct *open;
		struct vfs_handle_struct *close;
		struct vfs_handle_struct *read;
		struct vfs_handle_struct *write;
		struct vfs_handle_struct *lseek;
		struct vfs_handle_struct *sendfile;

	} handles;

This macros SHOULD be used to call any vfs operation. DO NOT ACCESS
conn->vfs.ops.* directly !!!


/* File operations */
#define SMB_VFS_OPEN(conn, fname, flags, mode) \
	 (conn), (fname), (flags), (mode)))
#define SMB_VFS_CLOSE(fsp, fd) \
	(fsp)->conn->vfs.handles.close, (fsp), (fd)))
#define SMB_VFS_READ(fsp, fd, data, n) \
	 (fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_WRITE(fsp, fd, data, n) \
	 (fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_LSEEK(fsp, fd, offset, whence) \
	 (fsp), (fd), (offset), (whence)))
#define SMB_VFS_SENDFILE(tofd, fsp, fromfd, header, offset, count) \
	 (tofd), (fsp), (fromfd), (header), (offset), (count)))


Possible VFS operation layers
These values are used by the VFS subsystem when building the conn->vfs and
conn->vfs_opaque structs for a connection with multiple VFS modules.
Internally, Samba differentiates only opaque and transparent layers at this
process. Other types are used for providing better diagnosing facilities.

Most modules will provide transparent layers. Opaque layer is for modules
which implement actual file system calls (like DB-based VFS). For example,
default POSIX VFS which is built in into Samba is an opaque VFS module.

Other layer types (logger, splitter, scanner) were designed to provide
different degree of transparency and for diagnosing VFS module behaviour.

Each module can implement several layers at the same time provided that only
one layer is used per each operation.

typedef enum _vfs_op_layer {
	SMB_VFS_LAYER_NOOP = -1,	/* - For using in VFS module to indicate end of
array */
					/*   of operations description */
	SMB_VFS_LAYER_OPAQUE = 0,	/* - Final level, does not call anything beyond
itself */
	SMB_VFS_LAYER_TRANSPARENT,	/* - Normal operation, calls underlying layer
after */
					/*   possibly changing passed data */
	SMB_VFS_LAYER_LOGGER,		/* - Logs data, calls underlying layer, logging may
not */
					/*   use Samba VFS */
	SMB_VFS_LAYER_SPLITTER,		/* - Splits operation, calls underlying layer
_and_ own facility, */
					/*   then combines result */
	SMB_VFS_LAYER_SCANNER		/* - Checks data and possibly initiates additional
					/*   file activity like logging to files _inside_ samba VFS */
} vfs_op_layer;

The Interaction between the Samba VFS subsystem and the modules
Initialization and registration
As each Samba module a VFS module should have a

NTSTATUS vfs_example_init(void);
function if it's staticly linked to samba or

NTSTATUS init_module(void);
function if it's a shared module.

This should be the only non static function inside the module. Global
variables should also be static!

The module should register its functions via the

NTSTATUS smb_register_vfs(int version, const char *name, vfs_op_tuple


  should be filled with SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_VERSION

  this is the name witch can be listed in the vfs objects parameter to use
this module.

  this is an array of vfs_op_tuple's. (vfs_op_tuples is descripted in
details below.)

For each operation the module wants to provide it has a entry in the
vfs_op_tuple array.

typedef struct _vfs_op_tuple {
	void* op;
	vfs_op_type type;
	vfs_op_layer layer;
} vfs_op_tuple;

  the function pointer to the specified function.

  the vfs_op_type of the function to specified witch operation the function

  the vfs_op_layer in whitch the function operates.

A simple example:

static vfs_op_tuple example_op_tuples[] = {
	{SMB_VFS_OP(example_connect),	SMB_VFS_OP_CONNECT,
	{SMB_VFS_OP(example_disconnect),	SMB_VFS_OP_DISCONNECT,


	/* This indicates the end of the array */

NTSTATUS init_module(void)
	return smb_register_vfs(SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_VERSION, "example",

How the Modules handle per connection data
Each VFS function has as first parameter a pointer to the modules

typedef struct vfs_handle_struct {
	struct vfs_handle_struct  *next, *prev;
	const char *param;
	struct vfs_ops vfs_next;
	struct connection_struct *conn;
	void *data;
	void (*free_data)(void **data);
} vfs_handle_struct;

  this is the module parameter specified in the vfs objects parameter.

  e.g. for 'vfs objects = example:test' param would be "test".

  This vfs_ops struct contains the information for calling the next module
operations. Use the SMB_VFS_NEXT_* macros to call a next module operations
and don't access handle->vfs_next.ops.* directly!

  This is a pointer back to the connection_struct to witch the handle

  This is a pointer for holding module private data. You can alloc data with
connection life time on the handle->conn->mem_ctx TALLOC_CTX. But you can
also manage the memory allocation yourself.

  This is a function pointer to a function that free's the module private
data. If you talloc your private data on the TALLOC_CTX
handle->conn->mem_ctx, you can set this function pointer to NULL.

Some useful MACROS for handle private data.

#define SMB_VFS_HANDLE_GET_DATA(handle, datap, type, ret) { \
	if (!(handle)||((datap=(type *)(handle)->data)==NULL)) { \
		DEBUG(0,("%s() failed to get vfs_handle->data!\n",FUNCTION_MACRO)); \
		ret; \
	} \

#define SMB_VFS_HANDLE_SET_DATA(handle, datap, free_fn, type, ret) { \
	if (!(handle)) { \
		DEBUG(0,("%s() failed to set handle->data!\n",FUNCTION_MACRO)); \
		ret; \
	} else { \
		if ((handle)->free_data) { \
			(handle)->free_data(&(handle)->data); \
		} \
		(handle)->data = (void *)datap; \
		(handle)->free_data = free_fn; \
	} \

#define SMB_VFS_HANDLE_FREE_DATA(handle) { \
	if ((handle) && (handle)->free_data) { \
		(handle)->free_data(&(handle)->data); \
	} \


The easiest way to do this is to use the SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_* macros.

/* File operations */
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_OPEN(conn, fname, flags, mode) \
	 (conn), (fname), (flags), (mode)))
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_CLOSE(fsp, fd) \
	 (fsp), (fd)))
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_READ(fsp, fd, data, n) \
	 (fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_WRITE(fsp, fd, data, n) \
	 (fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_LSEEK(fsp, fd, offset, whence) \
	 (fsp), (fd), (offset), (whence)))
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_SENDFILE(tofd, fsp, fromfd, header, offset, count) \
	 (tofd), (fsp), (fromfd), (header), (offset), (count)))

How SMB_VFS_LAYER_TRANSPARENT functions can call the next modules functions.

The easiest way to do this is to use the SMB_VFS_NEXT_* macros.

/* File operations */
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_OPEN(handle, conn, fname, flags, mode) \
	 (conn), (fname), (flags), (mode)))
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_CLOSE(handle, fsp, fd) \
	 (fsp), (fd)))
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_READ(handle, fsp, fd, data, n) \
	 (fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_WRITE(handle, fsp, fd, data, n) \
	 (fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_LSEEK(handle, fsp, fd, offset, whence) \
	 (fsp), (fd), (offset), (whence)))
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_SENDFILE(handle, tofd, fsp, fromfd, header, offset,
count) \
	 (tofd), (fsp), (fromfd), (header), (offset), (count)))

Upgrading to the New VFS Interface
Upgrading from 2.2.* and 3.0aplha modules
  1.. Add "vfs_handle_struct *handle, " as first parameter to all vfs
operation functions. e.g. example_connect(connection_struct *conn, const
char *service, const char *user); -> example_connect(vfs_handle_struct
*handle, connection_struct *conn, const char *service, const char *user);

  2.. Replace "default_vfs_ops." with "smb_vfs_next_". e.g.
default_vfs_ops.connect(conn, service, user); -> smb_vfs_next_connect(conn,
service, user);

  3.. Uppercase all "smb_vfs_next_*" functions. e.g.
smb_vfs_next_connect(conn, service, user); -> SMB_VFS_NEXT_CONNECT(conn,
service, user);

  4.. Add "handle, " as first parameter to all SMB_VFS_NEXT_*() calls. e.g.
SMB_VFS_NEXT_CONNECT(conn, service, user); -> SMB_VFS_NEXT_CONNECT(handle,
conn, service, user);

  5.. (Only for 2.2.* modules) Convert the old struct vfs_ops example_ops to
a vfs_op_tuple example_op_tuples[] array. e.g.

struct vfs_ops example_ops = {
	/* Disk operations */
	example_connect,		/* connect */
	example_disconnect,		/* disconnect */
	NULL,				/* disk free *
	/* Directory operations */
	NULL,				/* opendir */
	NULL,				/* readdir */
	NULL,				/* mkdir */
	NULL,				/* rmdir */
	NULL,				/* closedir */
	/* File operations */
	NULL,				/* open */
	NULL,				/* close */
	NULL,				/* read  */
	NULL,				/* write */
	NULL,				/* lseek */
	NULL,				/* sendfile */
	NULL,				/* rename */
	NULL,				/* fsync */
	example_stat,			/* stat  */
	example_fstat,			/* fstat */
	example_lstat,			/* lstat */
	NULL,				/* unlink */
	NULL,				/* chmod */
	NULL,				/* fchmod */
	NULL,				/* chown */
	NULL,				/* fchown */
	NULL,				/* chdir */
	NULL,				/* getwd */
	NULL,				/* utime */
	NULL,				/* ftruncate */
	NULL,				/* lock */
	NULL,				/* symlink */
	NULL,				/* readlink */
	NULL,				/* link */
	NULL,				/* mknod */
	NULL,				/* realpath */
	NULL,				/* fget_nt_acl */
	NULL,				/* get_nt_acl */
	NULL,				/* fset_nt_acl */
	NULL,				/* set_nt_acl */

	NULL,				/* chmod_acl */
	NULL,				/* fchmod_acl */

	NULL,				/* sys_acl_get_entry */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_get_tag_type */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_get_permset */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_get_qualifier */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_get_file */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_get_fd */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_clear_perms */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_add_perm */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_to_text */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_init */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_create_entry */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_set_tag_type */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_set_qualifier */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_set_permset */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_valid */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_set_file */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_set_fd */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_delete_def_file */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_get_perm */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_free_text */
	NULL,				/* sys_acl_free_acl */
	NULL				/* sys_acl_free_qualifier */


static vfs_op_tuple example_op_tuples[] = {
	{SMB_VFS_OP(example_connect),	SMB_VFS_OP_CONNECT,
	{SMB_VFS_OP(example_disconnect),	SMB_VFS_OP_DISCONNECT,



  6.. Move the example_op_tuples[] array to the end of the file.

  7.. Add the init_module() function at the end of the file. e.g.

NTSTATUS init_module(void)

  8.. Check if your vfs_init() function does more then just prepare the
vfs_ops structs or remember the struct smb_vfs_handle_struct.

        If NOT you can remove the vfs_init() function.
        If YES decide if you want to move the code to the example_connect()
operation or to the init_module(). And then remove vfs_init(). e.g. a debug
class registration should go into init_module() and the allocation of
private data should go to example_connect().

  9.. (Only for 3.0alpha* modules) Check if your vfs_done() function
contains needed code.

        If NOT you can remove the vfs_done() function.
        If YES decide if you can move the code to the example_disconnect()
operation. Otherwise register a SMB_EXIT_EVENT with
smb_register_exit_event(); (Described in the modules section) And then
remove vfs_done(). e.g. the freeing of private data should go to

  10.. Check if you have any global variables left. Decide if it wouldn't be
better to have this data on a connection basis.

        If NOT leave them as they are. (e.g. this could be the variable for
the private debug class.)
        If YES pack all this data into a struct. You can use handle->data to
point to such a struct on a per connection basis.

  e.g. if you have such a struct:

struct example_privates {
	char *some_string;
	int db_connection;

  first way of doing it:

static int example_connect(vfs_handle_struct *handle,
	connection_struct *conn, const char *service,
	const char* user)
	struct example_privates *data = NULL;

	/* alloc our private data */
	data = (struct example_privates *)talloc_zero(conn->mem_ctx, sizeof(struct
	if (!data) {
		DEBUG(0,("talloc_zero() failed\n"));
		return -1;

	/* init out private data */
	data->some_string = talloc_strdup(conn->mem_ctx,"test");
	if (!data->some_string) {
		DEBUG(0,("talloc_strdup() failed\n"));
		return -1;

	data->db_connection = open_db_conn();

	/* and now store the private data pointer in handle->data
	 * we don't need to specify a free_function here because
	 * we use the connection TALLOC context.
	 * (return -1 if something failed.)
	VFS_HANDLE_SET_DATA(handle, data, NULL, struct example_privates,
return -1);

	return SMB_VFS_NEXT_CONNECT(handle,conn,service,user);

static int example_close(vfs_handle_struct *handle, files_struct *fsp, int
	struct example_privates *data = NULL;

	/* get the pointer to our private data
	 * return -1 if something failed
	SMB_VFS_HANDLE_GET_DATA(handle, data, struct example_privates, return -1);

	/* do something here...*/
	DEBUG(0,("some_string: %s\n",data->some_string));

	return SMB_VFS_NEXT_CLOSE(handle, fsp, fd);

  second way of doing it:

static void free_example_privates(void **datap)
	struct example_privates *data = (struct example_privates *)*datap;


	*datap = NULL;


static int example_connect(vfs_handle_struct *handle,
	connection_struct *conn, const char *service,
	const char* user)
	struct example_privates *data = NULL;

	/* alloc our private data */
	data = (struct example_privates *)malloc(sizeof(struct example_privates));
	if (!data) {
		DEBUG(0,("malloc() failed\n"));
		return -1;

	/* init out private data */
	data->some_string = strdup("test");
	if (!data->some_string) {
		DEBUG(0,("strdup() failed\n"));
		return -1;

	data->db_connection = open_db_conn();

	/* and now store the private data pointer in handle->data
	 * we need to specify a free_function because we used malloc() and
	 * (return -1 if something failed.)
	SMB_VFS_HANDLE_SET_DATA(handle, data, free_example_privates, struct
example_privates, return -1);

	return SMB_VFS_NEXT_CONNECT(handle,conn,service,user);

static int example_close(vfs_handle_struct *handle, files_struct *fsp, int
	struct example_privates *data = NULL;

	/* get the pointer to our private data
	 * return -1 if something failed
	SMB_VFS_HANDLE_GET_DATA(handle, data, struct example_privates, return -1);

	/* do something here...*/
	DEBUG(0,("some_string: %s\n",data->some_string));

	return SMB_VFS_NEXT_CLOSE(handle, fsp, fd);

  11.. To make it easy to build 3rd party modules it would be usefull to
provide configure.in, (configure), install.sh and Makefile.in with the
module. (Take a look at the example in examples/VFS.)

  The configure script accepts --with-samba-source to specify the path to
the samba source tree. It also accept --enable-developer which lets the
compiler give you more warnings.

  The idea is that you can extend this configure.in and Makefile.in scripts
for your module.

  12.. Compiling & Testing...

        ./configure --enable-developer ...
        Try to fix all compiler warnings
        Testing, Testing, Testing ...

Some Notes
Implement TRANSPARENT functions
Avoid writing functions like this:

static int example_close(vfs_handle_struct *handle, files_struct *fsp, int
	return SMB_VFS_NEXT_CLOSE(handle, fsp, fd);

Overload only the functions you really need to!

Implement OPAQUE functions
If you want to just implement a better version of a default samba opaque
function (e.g. like a disk_free() function for a special filesystem) it's ok
to just overload that specific function.

If you want to implement a database filesystem or something different from a
posix filesystem. Make sure that you overload every vfs operation!!!

Functions your FS does not support should be overloaded by something like
this: e.g. for a readonly filesystem.

static int example_rename(vfs_handle_struct *handle, connection_struct
			char *oldname, char *newname)
	DEBUG(10,("function rename() not allowed on vfs 'example'\n"));
	errno = ENOSYS;
	return -1;

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