Antwort: [Samba] Printerassistent.

Stefan.Iven at Stefan.Iven at
Tue Nov 18 15:35:35 GMT 2003

Hello Kurt,

first I like to thank you that you try to help me.

I will try to explain my problem exactly.
Here is what I have done.

I set up Samba as an PDC.
I generated shares and printershares.
I browsed my network over the Networkneighborhood down to my Sambaserver.
There I can see all File and Printershares.
I doubleclicked the printerfolder where I then can see only shared printers
and one folder calld new printer.
I then rightclicked a shared printer and went to the process for uploading
the printerdriver in the Sambaserver.
So far so good. Everything is ok. No errors

Now i will install the printer on the client machine.

One way is to  browse the Networkneighborhood.
So I browsed one folder up, there where I can see printer- and fileshares.
I rightclick the printer for wich I first installed the drivers in the
server and choosed connect.
The drivers were downloaded from the server and printer is installed an the
The client is able to print correctly.

Browsing the Network is one way to install a printer on a client.
An other way to install a printer on a client is to use the controlpanal.

So I clicked the startbutton on the client, went to the controlpanel,
clicked Printers, clicked Add new Printer,
choosed Networkprinter, left the printername empty to search for the
printer, clicked continue button,
and then --> there I can see the domain, some clients wich belong to the
domain and wich offers printer,
but not my samba server.

I hope you now understand what I mean. Today I tried with Suse Sles8, the
newest updates, but still the same problem.
2.2.8a worked right, but I'm not able to get this running with Samba3.

I realy hope that I now have exactly explained what I mean.

Thanks a lot, and I hope to hear you.

MfG Stefan

> [Samba] Printerassistent.
>     * To: samba at listsdotsambadotorg
>     * Subject: [Samba] Printerassistent.
>     * From: StefandotIven at voessingdotde
>     * Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 10:43:26 +0100
> Hi there,
> Ok. My last postings about my problems with printerinstalation over
> controlpanel were still not answered.
> So maybe I have to ask my question in an other way.
> Is someone able to install a printer shared by Samba 3/Samba pre3 x over
> the controlpanel?

I don't clearly understand your question. Please describe exactly what
you want to achieve.

 From what I guess, it is that you want start the "Add Printer Wizard"
on a Win workstation and add a printer to the Samba server.

This is not possible -- or only possible if you provide a custom script
and call it with the "add printer command" in smb.conf. The script would
have to draw its input parameters from the fields filled in by the user
running the "Add Printer Wizard" and then create a printer to the real
Unix print subsystem of your Samba server (not just add it to the

What is possible is to add a driver to the Samba server and associate it
to a pre-existing (raw) print queue of the Unix print subsystem (this
queue may, in the case of CUPS, have been created with the help of the
CUPS web interface sitting behind port 631).


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