[Samba] samba backup software

Matt Schillinger mschilli at vss.fsi.com
Fri Mar 7 14:48:56 GMT 2003

It is costly, but Veritas has products that run on linux.. We use
Veritas Datacenter, which runs on a linux server, and backs up 6TB of
data.  We are working on migrating up from ait2 technology, and are
deciding on whether to go to ait3, or SuperDLT..

We had to upgrade beyond amanda because it wasn't performing well
enough. (but it was on DLT technology, so slower).

i think we pay around $200 per client license, for about 30-40 clients.
that does not include the actual datacenter server license. I can check
on the datacenter license, but it will probably come down to speaking to
a rep.. I can get you contact info if interested.

Datacenter lets you do full and Incremental backups, restore single
files, search clients/servers for files, and see different versions
(based on backup date) of the file if needed. you can do archives for
permanent (unexpired) tapes, or setup tape expiration policies for
incrementals and fulls. You also have the ability to do restores to
machines/directories OTHER than the original machine/directory (which is
handy if the original disk that the data came from is now full and has
no space for the restore.)

Matt Schillinger
mschilli at vss.fsi.com

On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 16:23, Rick Segeberg wrote:
> I'm curious to what people are using for backing up their samba servers.
> Here's are some specs to consider:
> - 1TB (yes, that's terabyte) of data
> - multiple servers backup to one tape drive connected to a server
> (preferably a linux system)
> - using an autoloader (in this case, an HP 1/9 LTO system)
> - need to be able to backup daily changes and/or changes since last full
> backup
> Currently I'm using Backup Exec from NetWare.  The *nix client has no
> support to do anything but a full.  The archive bit obviously won't
> work, and backing up based on date doesn't seem to work either (it still
> does a full).  I'm interested in finding a native linux solution since I
> don't see a lot of point in having to use a Windows server with a *nix
> client when I'm trying to get away from Windows.
> If you have suggestions or are using something you are happy with,
> please respond.  Currently, I'm evaluating Novastor's Novanet 8.5.  I
> know there are others that I can eval, I'm just interested in finding
> out what others are using and happy with.
> Thanks.
> Rick Segeberg
> Provo Site Manager, IT Department
> The Waterford Institute
> rick.segeberg at waterford.org <mailto:rick.segeberg at waterford.org> 
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