[Samba] chmod/chown on a samba-share (Samba 2.2.x)

Kranz, Tobias (BKA-IT07) tobias.kranz at bka.bund.de
Wed Jul 30 11:32:11 GMT 2003


it is possible to use the chown/chmod commands (and corresponding
syscalls) on a samba-share mounted on linux?
For example: 
foo at bar:/ # smbmount //test/share /mnt ....
foo at bar:/ # cd /mnt
foo at bar:/mnt/ # chmod 777 test.file; chown testUser.nobody test.file
Yes, that sounds strange, but I need it for a software we've bought.
It's a too long story to tell... ;-)

I've already tried some configuration-changes but it doesn't work by
Also I've found some newsgroup entries telling me that it isn't
possible, caused by the Concept of Samba/CIFS.

Any Ideas?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
  Tobias Kranz

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