[Samba] printing problem

Oscar Lovera lovera at ucla.edu
Mon Jan 6 17:23:00 GMT 2003

You were right, it was a permission problem (I didn't realized that 
neither of my users but root could print to
that printer).  It took me a while to figure out the problem but I 
traced it to the jetadmin of HP.  The printer
were create with the old jetadmin tool and aparently it doesn't work on 
Solaris (I couldn't figured out why
it works only for root).  
   I removed the printer and recreated it using the new webadmin 
provided by HP and it worked.

Thanks for your help.


PS.  Daulton, hope it helps you too.

Joel Hammer wrote:

>gave 0 means the command was successful.
>You might look at the printer log file for clues. 
>Maybe the guest user doesn't have the proper permissions to run the lp
>command but your regular user does.
>>Running the command `/usr/bin/lp -c -dhplj5 
>>/var/SMBtmp/OSCARXLOVE.g5aGki; rm /var/SMBtmp/OSCARXLOVE.g5aGki' gave 0
>>01/02/03 15:14:55 guest closed file OSCARXLOVE.g5aGki (numopen=0)
>>Any idea why the lp command gave 0?  It creates the OSCARXLOVE.g5aGki 
>>file just OK
>>but nothing is printing.  It is print just fine if I manually run the 
>>command '/usr/bin/lp -c -dhplj5 /var/SMBtmp/OSCARXLOVE.g5aGki'

Oscar Lovera
Department of Earth & Space Sciences
Geology Building
595 Circle Drive East
University of California, Los Angeles, 90095-1667
Office: Ph. and Fax: (310) 206-2657
Home: Ph. (562) 928-1849

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