[Samba] Character set conversion problems with 3.0

John P. Nelson jpn at genrad.com
Wed Dec 10 23:20:58 GMT 2003

I've just compiled Samba 3.0.0 on a Solaris 8 system (gcc, if it
matters), and whenever I run anything from the samba suite, I get a
series of error message about character set conversions:

    Conversion from UCS-2LE to CP850 not supported
    Conversion from UTF8 to CP850 not supported

and about 10 more, all involving CP850 (the "standard" DOS codepage,
presumably).  Now, obviously I've misconfigured something (iconv?),
either at compile time or at run time.  Do I need to recompile to fix
this, or is it something I need to do in the smb.conf or other
control file?

I don't really care about character conversions - I'm happy to let
Samba do whatever the "default" thing is, if I could just get it to
shut up.

Any ideas?

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