[Samba] strange slcakware behaviour

Bob Crandell bob at assuredcomp.com
Fri Aug 15 00:26:16 GMT 2003


Slackware puts the binaries in /usr/bin and /usr/sbin.  It puts the config files in
/etc/samba and puts the *.tdb and assorted files in /var/lock/samba.

This does it the Slackware way:
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/bin --exec-prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/man
--with-privatedir=/etc/samba/private --with-lockdir=/var/lock/samba
--with-logfilebase=/var/log --with-swatdir=/etc/samba/swat
--with-configdir=/etc/samba --enable-cups --with-dce-dfs --with-automount
--with-smbmount --with-syslog --with-libsmbclient --with-acl-support

Reliability?  It's as good as it gets.

I hope this helps.

ashley at ideal.net.au wrote:
>I have installed Slackware 9 several times. On each occasion the samba
>install defaults ot /etc/samba/private for smbpasswd etc. This is what I
>I have just completed an install that took forever as I couldn't
>understand why testparm said the smb.conf was fine, but on starting smbd
>and nmbd both would start but smbd would die straight away. It appears
>it wanted /usr/lib/samba/private and all was happy.
>I used the same cd as always for the install. I rolled my own kernel,
>else all is default.
>The install was for a school. I'm worried about reliability. Anybody
>else come across this? Anybody got ideas as to why the change?

Bob Crandell
Assured Computing
When you need to be sure.
bob at assuredcomp.com
Voice - 541-689-9159
FAX - 541-463-1627
Eugene, Oregon

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