[Samba] Roaming profiles problem
Jay Ts
jay at jayts.cx
Wed Sep 25 17:33:01 GMT 2002
Ryszard Hodiak wrote:
> I can login onto a Worksations (Win2k) and profiles are updated but
> when I log-off from Workstation still have
> a copy of the profile on Workstation and furthermore even being local
> Administrator on W2k box I can't delete taht local profile copy- it says sth
> like that: "Can not delete files. Files mayby in use"
> I'm just wonder wheather it is Windows problem or Samba configure problem?
That seems like normal behavior. Windows always keeps a local
copy of the roaming profiles - that's just how they work. It
copies the profile from the server during logon, then uses the
local copy. Any updates to the profile are copied back to the
server during logoff.
And yes, the profiles are difficult to delete from the local
system! There are different ACLs in use, and some of them
have a really tight hold on the files they protect. But, if
you really want to delete a local profile, it can be done.
Jay Ts
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