[Samba] Roaming profiles problem
Nathan Ehresman
nehresma at css.tayloru.edu
Wed Sep 25 15:33:01 GMT 2002
Ryszard Hodiak wrote:
> I have the following problem: I made a PDC controler using samba-2.2.5
> (Slackware 8.1)and almost everything works fine - I can login onto a Worksations
> (Win2k) and profiles are updated but when I log-off from Workstation still have
> a copy of the profile on Workstation and furthermore even being local
> Administrator on W2k box I can't delete taht local profile copy- it says sth
> like that: "Can not delete files. Files mayby in use"
> I'm just wonder wheather it is Windows problem or Samba configure problem?
> Could anybody can help me?
Not sure about 2k, but with XP there is a setting in the default policy
that will delete local copies of roaming profiles at logout. Run the
mmc, add the group policy snap-in, and it is under administrative
templates, profile settings or something like that.
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