[Samba] Printing problem with Samba, XP, and Xerox Printer
linux power
linuxpower2002 at yahoo.no
Tue Sep 24 17:00:02 GMT 2002
Hi again.
One question: Can the other machines print to that
Which machine is the Xerox connected to?
I think this is a strange problem if other PC's can
print to the printer. Can the XP print to the others
As a first aid trying to work around the problem, you
could create a share in smb.conf only for the Xerox
printer and use the same settings as for the printers
share, except for the print command line.
Which I would use this:
print command = lpr LPx:| \\clent Pc with the
printer\sharename(IE Xerox) -o raw %s;rm %s -r
LPx is the port on the win PC locally connected to the
xerox printer.You must replace x with the portnumber
used. Look at the printer properties.
It might well be a fault in your princap file, but if
so, none of the clients could print to the Xerox.
--- Kevin Bramblett <kbramblett at dssresearch.com>
skrev: > I'm sorry, I do not understand how to set the
> absolute path to the printer.
> I am fairly new to linux and samba. Here is the
> section of my smb.conf file
> that handles the printers:
> [printers]
> comment = All Printers
> path = /usr/spool/samba
> browseable = yes
> print command = lpr -b -r -h -P%p %s
> writeable = no
> printable = yes
> valid users = @TUMS+"DOMAIN USERS" @TUMS+"DOMAIN
> I have used the printconf to setup the printers in
> my printcap file and all
> printers use this setting. I am having problems
> only with XP as it relates
> to this one Xerox DC440 printer. I can print to HP
> Laserjet 4 and Color
> printers without this problem.
> I appreciate the helpful comment and hope you will
> explain further with an
> example. My Samba book does not give an example for
> the -P%p for absolute
> path.
> Thanks again,
> Kevin
> Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 17:43:42 +0200 (CEST)
> From: =?iso-8859-1?q?linux=20power?=
> <linuxpower2002 at yahoo.no>
> Subject: Re: [Samba] Printing problem with Samba,
> XP, and Xerox Printer
> To: samba at lists.samba.org
> Major bug in samba. Replace -P %p in the print
> command
> with the absulute path to the printer.
> Let me hear how it goes.
> --- Kevin Bramblett <kbramblett at dssresearch.com>
> skrev: > Hello everyone,
> >
> > I am having a problem getting Windows XP clients
> to
> > print to a Xerox
> > DataCenter 440 using Samba as the print server
> > running on Red Hat Linux 7.2.
> >
> > I have installed the driver once and it worked
> fine.
> > I then tried to add a
> > second XP client, and while it appears to install
> > and work, nothing comes
> > out of the printer. It even seems to disappear at
> > the print server.
> >
> > Any ideas how I can fix this?
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> > Kevin
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