[Samba] backup NT box to SAMBA box using xcopy, smbclient, robocopy, or DD command ???
list at firman.us
Tue Sep 24 04:54:00 GMT 2002
What is the best way to backup my NT 4.0 Server box
that is only 8GB to my NEW SAMBA file server that
I have added to the domain?
Xcopy? Smbclient? Robocopy? DD command in Linux?
I found some good info. on Google about Robocopy that is supposed
to be great and will paste the information below.
Also, can someone SEND me the latest copy of ROBOCOPY VERSION 1.92
please. I have a really old version and would like 1.92 because it has
the mirror function. Thanks, Andy
Here is what I found about robocopy:
I hate to say this but my solution to this problem was to use an NT
machine to execute the copying. The NT resource kit has these utilities
and is a free download from Redmond.
Nt has a neat utility called Robocopy which can copy and delete files so
directories can be mirrored with a minimum of trouble. Bill's boys
actually wrote some decent docs.
Using robocopy I run a batch file every night from the NT which copies
the other NT's to a Samba share then backup
There is a NT utility WinAT that does the cron trick for NT although you
can do the at commands at the command prompt
The batch file is on my d: drive the command for at is back.cmd
The commands in back.cmd are as follows:
robocopy \\server1\ \\bigserver\aback /mir
robocopy \\server2\ \\bigserver\bback /mir XD queues
Only trick was to create a backup user for each NT machine
Perhaps the easiest way to check this is to install robocopy.exe from the NT
Workstation / NT Server / Windows 2000 resource kit (if
you don't have it, it really is worth gettting one...), and try copying the
entire users directory tree to a spare drive or
directory on your server (or even another workstation).
e.g. the following robocopy command will attempt to copy (mirror) the
directory c:\test and all it contains (files+dirs) to the
directory c:\test_copy. (Make sure you have enough room on the target drive
/ directory!). "/log:copy_test.log" will cause a log
file called copy_test.log to be created. "/r:0" will prevent retries on
errors. "/mir" means mirror the source - i.e. all
robocopy c:\test c:\test_copy /log:copy_test.log /r:0 /mir
Run the commend, go and have a coffee while it runs, and read the summary
report on the screen (it will tell you how many files
failed to copy), then check through the copy_test.log file and search for
"access denied" error messages... which will show you
exactly which files failed and why.
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