[Samba] Samba-LDAP with custom object class
Gerald Carter
jerry at samba.org
Mon Sep 23 13:23:01 GMT 2002
Given the context of you questions, they appear to more related
to PADL's pam_ldap module. I suggest you repost there.
> First, excuse me if this messages is not in the right mailing list: I
> have not found a samba-ldap forum. try to use Samba-LDAP with my own
> object class but I cannot manage using an other attribute than 'uid' for
> the user ID.
this is hardcoded in the samba.schema file.
> The file /etc/ldap.conf
> ------------------- ldap.conf -----------------------
> pam_login_attribute uid
> pam_filter objectclass=myPerson
> ------------ end - ldap.conf ----------------------
This has nothing to do with Samba, your are now specifying that
the pam_ldap module use the uid attribute for logins.
> The file /etc/nsswitch.conf ( on the directory server and on the samba server):
> ----------- nsswitch.conf --------------------
> nss_base_passwd id=1.3.3,id=1.3,id=1
> nss_base_shadow id=1.3.3,id=1.3,id=1
> nss_map_attribute uid login
> nss_map_attribute userid login
> ---------- end - nsswitch.conf ------------
> and my person:
> ----------- myperson.ldif ------------------
> dn: uid=FR750034,id=1.3.3,id=1.3,id=1
> loginShell: /bin/bash
> objectClass: myPerson
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: person
> objectClass: organizationalPerson
> objectClass: inetOrgPerson
> objectClass: sambaAccount
> objectClass: account
> objectClass: posixAccount
> objectClass: top
> objectClass: qmailUser
> sn: Smith
> gidNumber: 100
> gecos: Teddy Smith
> uidNumber: 502
> login: ted
> mail: teddy.smith at zoo.com
> qmailUID: 502
> qmailGID: 100
> givenName: teddy
> homeDirectory: /homes/teddy
> uid: FR750034
> logonTime: 0
> cn:: TWF0dGhpZXUgVHVycGF1bHQg
> rid: 103
> primaryGroupID: 103
> -------- end - myperson.ldif -------------
> When I try to open a home Directory with a Windows client, a request of
> authentication is displayed but it comes back after each test. The log
> file of the directory:
Do you have encrypted passwords enabled in smb.conf?
> Sep 23 12:08:45 therese slapd[1745]: conn=164 op=55 SRCH
> base="id=1.3.3,id=1.3,id=1" scope=2
> filter="(&(objectClass=posixAccount)(login=ted))"
> The directory /homes/ted exists and is owned by mat.users.
In your LDIF except you have "homeDirectory: /homes/teddy" but just
referred to /home/ted ????
cheers, jerry
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