[Samba] Browse Master Election
Kristyan Osborne
kris at longhill.brighton-hove.sch.uk
Thu Sep 12 07:26:00 GMT 2002
A weird problem ... My PDC is running samba 3.0 cvs from a couple of weeks ago. the os level is set to 65 and that machine has been the master for my domain for ages, until last night. A win2k client machine stoll the domain and made itself the master for the domain, hence a few problems. I have cranked the os level to 80, however I'm pretty sure that is not supported/a bad idea/not to be done sort of thing.
Can anyone suggest any ideas
Kristyan Osborne IT Technician
Longhill High School
01273 391672
Computers are like airconditioners: They stop working properly if you open windows.
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2-bit company who cannot stand 1 bit of competition.
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