[Samba] WG: troubles deleting lots of files
debinskir at post.ch
debinskir at post.ch
Wed Sep 11 06:30:01 GMT 2002
> hello,
> i encountered a very strange problem and hope that someone out there knows a solution. that is, when i'm deleting several tousand files with a batch script on a samba share, windows says: "the system could not find the path specified" and deletes just approximatly one third of the files. this only occures if i'm delete explicitly from a dos shell using E:\>del *.pdf. if i mark all files in the explorer and click on delete it works fine.
> our configuration consists of a sun sunfire 6800 with solaris 8 as samba fileserver and a hp pentium 3 machine with windows 2000 as client. network works fine so far (according to ftp tests 11mbytes/s) except that taking files from the share to a local drive on the windows machine takes twice the time than putting a file from the local win drive on the share. but i understand that this can be fixed by setting send/read buffer down.
> what could be the reason that windows cannot find most of the files by deleting? and how to solve this?
> many thanks for your help.
> greetz & have phun
> Raphael Debinski
> Systemspezialist Unix
> Die Schweizerische Post
> PostFinance
> Informatik
> CH-3030 Bern
> E-Mail: debinskir at post.ch <mailto:debinskir at post.ch >
> http://www.postfinance.ch <http://www.postfinance.ch>
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