[Samba] Can't access samba server from windows
Didier Hung Wan Luk
DidierH at frci.net
Sat Sep 7 11:47:00 GMT 2002
First you need to correct this
netbios name = excalibur-lx
do you at least see the samba machine in network neighborhood ??
Didier Hung Wan Luk
FRCI, Sibotie House
L'Anse Courtois
Tel: 230-2869636
Fax: 230-2869629
-----Original Message-----
From: muhindra at yahoo.com [mailto:muhindra at yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, September 07, 2002 3:13 PM
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] Can't access samba server from windows
Dear all,
I've already install new samba 2.2.5 at Redhat 7.3.
Some configuration of smb.conf has been tested using
testparm and no error return. Using LinNeigborhood I
can access some files and folders of windows PC. But
from windows I can't access samba directories and
files. Error report from windows is Network path was
not found. Lan connection is ok if test ping.
Can you suggest me what I should do more?
Here is my smb.conf:
workgroup = sirius
netbios name excalibur-lx
allow hosts = 192.168.10
security = domain
password server = patio
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
wins server =
;---share definitions
comment = Share for sirius
path = /usr/local/sumber/sirius
writeable = yes
public = yes
Thanks in advanced
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