[Samba] REPOST: another nt4 and samba question
Noel Kelly
nkelly at citrusnetworks.net
Sat Sep 7 09:39:00 GMT 2002
I would ensure you have the 'correct' IP for the domain. Not sure which IP
the PDC will grab for its domain traffic. You can use nmblookup 'pdcname'
to find out.
Maybe then disable the extra IPs in the bindings (will require a reboot)
leaving just one and then try and join the domain after that. I would also
ensure that you are resolving the Wins entry to the correct IP as well.
-----Original Message-----
From: David Leuser II [mailto:dleuser at newhampton.org]
Sent: 07 September 2002 01:16
To: samba at lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] REPOST: another nt4 and samba question
SERIOUSLY.... does ANYONE have ANY ideas??? I'm stumped silly. HELP!!!!
>Hi, I'm going to scream.
>I have a "dell-installed" red hat 7.2 build and I have been attempting to
>get it to join my NT4.0 domain with samba... after getting past the old
>version of samba that shipped with it and updating to the latest samba
>from the samba web site, i still can't join my domain....
>Here's the kicker: I CAN JOIN a test domain I set up a few weeks ago,
>NT4.0 SP 5 with nothing else installed, I CANNOT JOIN my REAL nt domain
>(4.0 sp6, all the latest microsoft "security" patches applied). Does
>anybody know what is wrong with my "real" nt server and how to fix it?
>The correct IP is i don't know if it matters but the PDC
>NIC has multiple IPs attatched to it, all on different subnets.
>[root at Polonium root]# /usr/local/samba/bin/smbpasswd -D 10 -j WILDERLAND
>-r Hobbiton -U Administrator
>Initialising global parameters
>params.c:pm_process() - Processing configuration file
>Processing section "[global]"
>doing parameter workgroup = Wilderland
>doing parameter server string = LTSP Samba Server
>doing parameter winbind separator = +
>doing parameter winbind uid = 10000-20000
>doing parameter winbind gid = 10000-20000
>doing parameter winbind enum users = yes
>doing parameter winbind enum groups = yes
>doing parameter template homedir = /home/%D/%U
>doing parameter template shell = /bin/bash
>doing parameter printcap name = /etc/printcap
>doing parameter load printers = yes
>doing parameter printing = lprng
>doing parameter log file = /var/log/samba/%m.log
>doing parameter max log size = 0
>doing parameter security = domain
>doing parameter password server = hobbiton
>doing parameter encrypt passwords = yes
>doing parameter smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
>doing parameter socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
>doing parameter local master = no
>doing parameter domain master = no
>doing parameter dns proxy = no
>pm_process() returned Yes
>lp_servicenumber: couldn't find homes
>set_server_role: ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER
>codepage_initialise: client code page = 850
>load_client_codepage: loading codepage 850.
>Adding chars 0x85 0xb7 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xa0 0xb5 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x83 0xb6 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xc6 0xc7 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x84 0x8e (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x86 0x8f (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x91 0x92 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x87 0x80 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x8a 0xd4 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x82 0x90 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x88 0xd2 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x89 0xd3 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x8d 0xde (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xa1 0xd6 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x8c 0xd7 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x8b 0xd8 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xd0 0xd1 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xa4 0xa5 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x95 0xe3 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xa2 0xe0 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x93 0xe2 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xe4 0xe5 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x94 0x99 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x9b 0x9d (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x97 0xeb (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xa3 0xe9 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x96 0xea (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x81 0x9a (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xec 0xed (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0xe7 0xe8 (l->u = True) (u->l = True)
>Adding chars 0x9c 0x0 (l->u = False) (u->l = False)
>load_dos_unicode_map: 850
>load_unicode_map: loading unicode map for codepage 850.
>load_unix_unicode_map: ISO8859-1 (init_done=0, override=0)
>load_unicode_map: loading unicode map for codepage ISO8859-1.
>tdb(unknown): tdb_brlock failed (fd=3) at offset 4 rw_type=1 lck_type=13
>added interface ip= bcast= nmask=
>cli_init_creds: user Administrator domain WILDERLAND flgs: 0
>cli_establish_connection: POLONIUM<00> connecting to HOBBITON<20>
>( - Administrator [WILDERLAND]
>resolve_lmhosts: Attempting lmhosts lookup for name Hobbiton<0x20>
>startlmhosts: Can't open lmhosts file /usr/local/samba/lib/lmhosts. Error
>was No such file or directory
>resolve_hosts: Attempting host lookup for name Hobbiton<0x20>
>1 addresses returned
>internal_resolve_name: returning 1 addresses:
>Connecting to at port 445
>error connecting to (Connection refused)
>Connecting to at port 139
>error connecting to (Connection refused)
>Error connecting to (Connection refused)
>cli_establish_connection: failed to connect to HOBBITON<20>
>Error connecting to Hobbiton
>Unable to join domain WILDERLAND.
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