[Samba] Group enumeration with Samba LDAP PDC
dj at sin.khk.be
Wed Sep 4 15:01:01 GMT 2002
I've setup a Samba based PDC server with a LDAP backend for user and group
storage. This is all working fine, only some small thing with the
admintools need to be worked out.
The problem I'm having is with the creating of a general logon script for
all my users. I'm using kixtart and the goal is to create one script which
checks the groups the user is in and mounts certain shares with that
The problem is that in kixtart the list of groups contains other names
then the one I expected. I've created 2 groups (Production and Logistics)
but in kixtart the get listed as DOM\unix_group.<some number>.
The only domain group that displays correctly is my the users primary
group (DOM\Users). I also tried changing the primary group to another
group but that only shows up als a unix group.
The strange thing is that for the rest (eg. the security dialogbox) all
groups are displayed correctly.
I know that I can use the names that I get in kixtart for my scripts. But
this script will also have to be maintained by non-IT people and therefore
I really want it to be as clear as possible. (eg not having added a user
to a group in a webtool and then having to look for a different groupname
in the script.)
Has anyone experienced this and maybe can enlighten me on the reason for
this or has a solution for it ?
Also can any of the Samba developers here comment on wether this is more
likely a error in Samba or in kixtart ?
Thanks to all of you,
Tim verhoeven
Tim Verhoeven
Linux & Open Source Specialist
GSM : 0496 / 693 453 + e-business solutions
Email : dj at 4ict.com + consulting
URL : www.sin.khk.be/~dj/ + Server consolidation
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