[Samba] passing passwords

Keithley bona_charles at keithley.com
Wed Nov 20 04:09:01 GMT 2002


I have a configuration issue that I cannot seem to fix.
Running Samba 2.2.2 on Sun Solaris servers using NIS


I have 5 different samba servers that I map permanent drives to in Windows 2000.
When I boot 2000 I get a login for my username and password then it starts to automatically map the samba drives. I am then prompted for a username and password for each separate samba mapping.

This does not happen with Windows 98. The username an password gets pushed through.

What can I change in my Samba configuration to have this work for my Windows NT/2000 users so they do not have to enter a username and password for each mapping. I want it to look like the Win98 systems.

I do have "EnablePlainTextPassWord" set to 1 on both Win98 and Win2000 PC's.

Thanks in advance.

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