[Samba] filename problem

Mirek Hankus M.Hankus at ce3.pl
Fri Nov 15 14:38:25 GMT 2002

I can't turn character encoding off right now (too many users are using 
this server), but
in my opinion if you created file named: "test".txt you should see it in
the same way in windows. Windows in Polish editions allow to create files
with " characters. You can store, and use them from Win2k server, but 
not from
Samba server. Notice that it is posible to copy file with " from windows 
to samba (file
is created correctly in unix filesystem), but that is all you can do. 
File created in that
way can't even be deleted. In my opinion it is bug in Samba. Should I 
report it ??


Bernd Wölfel wrote:

>alright.. just tried it with 2.2.3a and 2.2.6
>i created a file "test".txt with vi \"test\".txt, the file shows up
>correctly within the shell as "test".txt
>when i look under windows (2k sp3 and xp sp1 both german)
>the file shows up as TEST~AO.TXT same on samba 2.2.3a and 2.2.6 (see the
>filename is converted to uppercase?!)
>could still be your characterset or your codepage could you comment both
>lines out just for testing?
>>On Win2k sp3 Polish and XP Polish  " are preserved when dragging 
>>drive to desktop, so I've got big problem. 
>>Have you tried to create a file with " on server (directly in shell),
>and see how 
>>client see it ???
>Bernd Wölfel wrote:
>just tried it with servers win2k,samba 2.2.3a, samba 2.2.6 and clients
>2kpro sp3, xp sp1 (all german edition)
>under my computer I see the natwork drive as "blabla" on server xyz(z)
>but as soon as i drag the share to the desktop the " charcters are
>automagically removed
>my smb.conf
>character set = ISO8859-15 (but I think this has nothing to do with the
>which client operating system are you using?
>Problem is that Windows creates such file automatically. Steps to
>create such file.
>1. mount your home directory under h:
>2. open "my computer" and drag h: drive  to your desktop.
>3. now you have file with " character, which can be copied to samba,
>but not from samba to windows.
>Bernd Wölfel wrote:
>correct me if i am wrong but " is no allowed character within a filename
>under windows
>hope that helps
>  I got problem with filenames. Some info on my configuration
>	Samba 2.2.6
>	client code page=852
>	character set=ISO8859-2
>  When serving files with " character, example:
>	user on "server" (H).lnk
>(standard link to home drive). Windows 2000 sees something
>	user~x%
>It is even worse when such file is located in user profile, 
>which makes 
>it impossible to save user profile to samba server.
>Coping is possible only from windows to samba (filename is preserved) 
>but coping back fails besause windows see different filename.
>	Mirek
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