[Samba] new user

Jack Malone jmalone at horizonind.com
Wed Nov 13 19:08:43 GMT 2002

I'm not having any trouble with windows XP an samba here, at work nor at 
home either. Now if your trying to run in a domain then I have heard of 
others having trouble, but we are just using a workgroup here with no 

One thing to checkout is to see if you have added the users as a samba 
user. just creating accounts on the unix/linux machine will not work, you 
have to add the users to samba. I use webmin to do this an its very nice an 
easy to use.

At 07:56 PM 11/13/2002 +0100, linux power wrote:
>Samab doesent work very well with XP. But you can go
>to samba.org and look for a patch for it.
>  --- garydouglas at sbcglobal.net skrev: > I am having
>nothing but problems getting samba up
> > and running. I have it
> > running on RedHat 8. I have reinstalled RedHat twice
> > to make sure I have
> > a clean install. I can see the server from my
> > Windows XP machine using
> > network neighbors, but when I double click on it I
> > get: Path not found.
> > Any and all help would be appreciated, even pointing
> > me to a good online
> > help. I have tried all the ones I can find.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Gary Douglas
> >
> > garydouglas at sbcglobal.net
> >
> >
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jack malone
Network Administrator

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