[Samba] Warning when updating Samba via mandrake update

Jay DeKing jdeking2 at comcast.net
Thu Nov 7 01:13:15 GMT 2002

On Tuesday 05 November 2002 10:46 am, Buchan Milne honored me with this 
> > Message: 19
> > From: Ken Walker <ken.walker at textiles.umist.ac.uk>
> > To: "'samba at lists.samba.org'" <samba at lists.samba.org>
> > Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 11:16:53 -0000
> > Subject: [Samba] Warning when updating Samba via mandrake update
> >
> > I've just done a update of Samba from 2.2.4 to 2.2.6.
> Not with MandrakeUpdate, unless you have screwed up your update
> configuration. There is only an update to 2.2.6 that went out late
> yesterday, and only applies to 9.0, which originally shipped with
> 2.2.6pre2. There should be no update for 2.2.5 or earlier, since you
> would be running on something earlier than Mandrake 9.0, in which case
> you should be using the RPMs for Mandrake 8.x which are available from
> two sites:
> http://ranger.dnsalias.com/mandrake/samba
> http://people.mandrakesoft.com/~staburet/samba
> These RPMs have been submitted to the samba team, and should have been
> available on the samba ftp mirrors, but I think Gerry ran out of time ...
> > After installing everything it says some files were modified, ie
> > smb.conf, and gives you the option to view the changes.
> No, it warns you that yuo have changed the supplied default config, and
> should show you what has changed in the default config, and the option
> to update your config to take these changes into account.
> Unfortunately these updates haven't arrived on our mirror yet, so I
> can't test it right now.
> > It removed all my shared folders, removed settings from 'global' and
> changed
> > lines for cups and other bits and pieces.
> Did it actually remove things without input from you, or did it just
> show you what differed between yours and the supplied default?
> > Some changes are highlighted in
> > green and the ones it removes are in red with '-' stuck in front of them.
> Standard diff-type output.
> > I'm not sure if anything happens if you just click on ok after the update
> > and don't see what's been changed.
> If you just click ok, it *should not* change anything, assuming then
> that you don't want any of the added features added to your smb.conf.
> > So be warned, if everything stops working after an update then check your
> > smb.conf file
> Maybe it would be better to back up your configs, specifically when
> doing updates. We commit our configs to cvs whenever we change them, so
> we can't lose them.
> > Mr Smiley ( not smiling )
> Did something break?
> FYI, the fact that you see a dialog is a feature, otherwise you would
> have the old config as you had set it up kept in place, and a
> /etc/samba/smb.conf.rpmnew added, which has the new default config. You
> would then manually have to use etc-update to get any new entries in
> your smb.conf.
> In fact, you don't get the dialog if you update via urpmi (which is what
> we do here):
> # urpmi.update updates
> # urpmi --auto-select --auto --update
> Regards,
> Buchan
> --
> |----------------Registered Linux User #182071-----------------|
> Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
> Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
> Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
> GPG Key                   http://ranger.dnsalias.com/bgmilne.asc
> 1024D/60D204A7 2919 E232 5610 A038 87B1 72D6 AC92 BA50 60D2 04A7

It sounds like Ken was using rpmdrake and updating from a cooker mirror; and 
yes, it does trash your setup if you let it. But first it creates the new 
settings as .rpmnew and lets you review the way it has reset a lot of things 
back to the default settings. "Caveat updator." Updater beware.

Yep. Saw it myself, and since nothing of consequence had changed, I kept my 
current smb.conf.

Drinking makes such fools of people, and people are such fools to begin
with, that it's compounding a felony.
                -- Robert Benchley

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