[Samba] Joing a win2k machine in a samba PDC

Eric Anderson eanderson at okctech.com
Wed Mar 27 08:11:25 GMT 2002

When you right-click on "My Computer" and go to properties. Click on 
NetworkID (which i am assuming you already have from your message... 
just trying to be thorough). Your first two prompts are about whether to 
add to a domain which you answer yes. The next on asks about Username, 
Password, and Domain. These Domain should be the one on your samba 
server, and the username and password should be in the smbpasswd file 
using smbpasswd -a <username>. The next prompt is for a Machine account. 
This should be your Machines name and the Domain of your samba server.

At this point there are two options for you... either adding the machine 
manually, or having a script designated in your smb.conf file to handle 
it dynamically. I personally have a line in my smb.conf file that goes 
like this:

add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/null -g machines -c 'Machine 
Account' -s /bin/false -M %u

This will also add the entry to smbpasswd for the machine. You could add 
the machine manually substituting <computername>$ for %u above, and then 
executing smbpasswd -a -m <computername>.

root is your "administrator" account. I have not determined if root MUST 
be in your smbpasswd file or not, but i do know that the following works 
when root is in the smbpasswd file and has the same passwd as the actual 
login account. The next prompt is for Admin account. Use root, with 
root's password, and the Domain of the samba server. There is usually a 
30+ second pause here, but if all went well, then it will come back and 
prompt for adding a user to the local system. If this user is going to 
need to have administrative functions on the local system, then you need 
to choose the bottom option, and select Administrators from the 
drop-down box. Once all this is done, reboot the box, and make sure to 
select the new Domain from the Domain drop-down box to log into the 
samba server.

I hope this helps. This also works on XP with one modification. There is 
an option under Local Security Policies to turn of Requiring of Trusted 
Domains. After this option is changed, reboot the system and follow the 
above directions.


Eric Anderson
Systems / Security Administrator
21st Century Electronics

smash wrote:

> Hi there!
> I'm using samba 2.2.3a as PDC , and I'm trying to join a win2k machine 
> in the domain.I don't know what password  to give when I'm asked for 
> administrator password . I can see samba server from network 
> neibourhood and my samba account.I'm using Redhat linux 7.2 ,kernel 
> 2.4.17 and iptables firewall.  I'd appreciate any kind of help.

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