[Samba] apache logs -> samba -> windows file locking question

Matthew J. Salerno msalerno at vagabond.homeip.net
Mon Mar 25 20:50:03 GMT 2002

Samba version 2.2.3a
Redhat Linux 7.2

I have a windows server that connects to my linux web server and copies the logs locally (to the windows server) to process.   The windows machine connects to the samba share every 30 minutes to copy the log again.  Almost everything works fine.  Since apache keeps the access_log open at all times I am pretty sure that I am going to run into some locking problems.  Actually, I believe that I am having locking issues.  Every night at 12 a new log is generated.  What would be the best way to handle this ? 

The samba share is mounted as Read-Only

I have been trying:

veto oplock files = ex*.log
fake oplocks = Yes

Is there anything else I can do ?  Please let me know.  


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