[Samba] File corruption with samba 2.2.3a and WinNt/

Christian Barth barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Fri Mar 22 00:26:04 GMT 2002

> Upon further investigation, I discovered that all of the Terminal Server
> users were connected to the same instance of smbd.

NT 4.0 TS? There is a registry key in the samba doc to switch to one 
smbd per user. May be it helps.


               _(_)_                          wWWWw   _
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   @@@@  (___)     `|/    Y    (_)@(_)  @@@@   \|/   (_)\
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 \ |     \ |/       | / \ | /  \|/       |/    \|      \|/
jgs|//   \\|///  \\\|//\\\|/// \|///  \\\|//  \\|//  \\\|// 

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