[Samba] Cant access Samba after Red Hat 7.2 upgrade

Ash Ridley ash.ridley at ash-ridley.net
Sat Mar 16 10:51:05 GMT 2002

Hi all, 
I've just finished upgrading my install to Red Hat 7.2 (from Red Hat 6 and 5.4 before that in case its relevant) but since the upgrade I cant access Samba. Initially I thought it was just that the upgrade has renamed the smb.conf file, but it still doesn’t work after renaming the backedup version.

The Windows workstations display an error saying the domain controller cannot be contacted and if I run smbclient -L linux on the box itself I am asked for a password (is it the same as the linux account I am logged in as?) and I get the following error

Session setup failed: code 0 
(however this isnt the user with the encrypted password setup - see below) 

I looked this up on Google but all that came up was a patch that had something to do with PAM. 

I should also mention that up until this point the whole thing has been running on unencrypted passwords as there are Win95 boxes on the network (I have been led to believe these cant do encrypted passwords) but the point of the upgrade was to allow for Win2K workstation compatibility so I guess the whole thing will have to go encrypted now anyway. I have setup one user with encrypted passwords but couldn’t get in as that either (besides the domain controller message indicated that the servers not even responding rather than a password problem)

Do I need the patch mentioned on google or am I missing something? Any advice appreciated. 


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