Enabling SWAT

Yan Seiner yan at cardinalengineering.com
Sun Jan 13 13:27:03 GMT 2002

"Marc R. Hoffman" wrote:
> I'm having a problem enabling SWAT. I've followed the directions that I
> was able to find on the net. One of the step, however, eludes me:
> > Edit file "/etc/inetd.conf". Add the following line if it isn't already
> > there.
> > swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/swat swat
> > Note: If you have the program "swat" installed somewhere other than "/usr/
> > sbin", then change "/usr/sbin/swat" to be the correct path to "swat".

On RH 7.x (and probably mandrake 8.x, since it's based on RH), inetd has
been replaced by xinetd.  It uses a modular config file system - each
servide has its own little file under /etc/xinetd.d or similar.  IMHO,
while xinetd may be more secure, the multiple config files suck.

Anyway, man xinetd should get you started.  You will end up creating a
file /etc/xinetd.d/swat .

BTW, that doc really should be updated, along with a sample
xinetd.d/swat file.  Since I have not been able to get swat working, I
won't volunteer mine ;-)

I have an authentication error, BTW, not an xientd problem.


Daddy, did all the hair that fell off your head stick to your arms?
Akari, age 4
 oberon.cardhome.lan: 4:18pm up 7 days, 20:37, 5 users, load average:
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