[Samba] Machine trust account reqd in 2.2.3a?
Christian Barth
barth at cck.uni-kl.de
Wed Feb 27 10:04:40 GMT 2002
> Greetings,
> I was reading over the documentation online for using SAMBA as a PDC, and
> in the section about creating machine trust accounts is talks about having
> to add machine accounts to the /etc/passwd file. The text also mentions
> that future versions of SAMBA will remove this requirement:
> "Because Samba requires machine accounts to possess a UNIX uid from which
> an Windows NT SID can be generated, all of these accounts must have an
> entry in /etc/passwd and smbpasswd. Future releases will alleviate the need
> to create /etc/passwd entries."
> Since the text was last updated in July of 2001, and there have been
> several releases of SAMBA since, is the /etc/passwd account for machine
> trust accounts still required in 2.2.3a?
(without being a samba team member)
> Thanks,
> Matthew
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