[Samba] Compilation error version 2.2.3a on Alpha True 64
Gerald Carter
jerry at samba.org
Wed Feb 13 05:42:02 GMT 2002
On Mon, 11 Feb 2002, Rick van Ek wrote:
> I'm getting the following error while compiling Samba 2.2.3a:
> cc: Error: libsmb/clierror.c, line 189: In the initializer for
> nt_errno_map[4].status.v, "NTSTATUS" is a struct type, which is not scalar.
> (needscalartyp)
> ---------^
> cc: Error: libsmb/clierror.c, line 190: In the initializer for
> nt_errno_map[5].status.v, "NTSTATUS" is a struct type, which is not scalar.
> (needscalartyp)
> ---------^
> etc. infact I'll get this messages for all mappings of messages of this
> struct. How can this be solved ??
It's a bug. It's a trick that Tridge used for developers to make sure
that BOOLs and NT_STATUS codes didn't get confused when passing the
return value up the control stack. Works fine with gcc. I don't
have my Alpha box up and running right now so I can't look into it.
abartlet was going to look at it IIRC.
cheers, jerry
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