[Samba] DFS

Omar Castaneda Acosta omar at idea.com.mx
Sat Aug 3 09:01:01 GMT 2002

Hello List:
I'm currently implementing a 1TB NAS server using linux + samba.
Currently most of the data is hosted in Windows 2000 Servers (which
can't be replaced 'cause some important applications on the company rely
on it), my main concern would be to replicate (maybe load-balancing,
too) all this data to the new server, is there a way for samba to
replicate data? Is somehow possible to make samba be full DFS +
replication complaint?
Thanks in advance.
Omar Castañeda Acosta
Systems Administrator
iDEA S.A. de C.V.
mailto: omar at idea.com.mx 
callto: voip.idea.com.mx  (ext 109)
+52 (614) 414-2808 x 109
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