wbinfo -t fails, what now?

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Wed Oct 31 18:58:02 GMT 2001

On Wed, 31 Oct 2001, Andreas Schuldei wrote:

> I have two samba machines, one has the problem I describe in the
> earlier mail. 
> The other works much better and also there I have the (same) smb.conf:
>  egrep '^[^;]' /etc/samba/smb.conf


> when I follow the checklist during setup and I try if the secret is good, I do 
> wbinfo -t
> and get the sad reply:
> Secret is bad
> 0xc00000e5

Hmm if it were me I would goto the NT box remove the machine account
then rejoin the domain:
smbpasswd -j DOMAIN -r PDC -U Administrator

then try the wbinfo -t

Yours Tony.

 * "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the 
 * same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
 * --Albert Einstein

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