samba setup on virtual server help needed

Christian Barth barth at
Mon Oct 22 03:35:05 GMT 2001

> Hello,
> I'm trying to set up samba on a virtual server - here's the problem, I 
> don't have true root access and can't write to the base /usr 
> directory.
Samba needs to bind at the ports 138 and 139 and you need root acces 
for this. Samba can use prots > 1024 (see man pages) but can yur 
clients do the same?

> I can only write past /usr/home/andrew/usr
> I modified my configure file to point to:
> ac_default_prefix=/usr/home/andrew/usr/local
> # Any additions from
> ac_default_prefix=/usr/home/andrew/usr/local/samba
why not just use ./configure --prefix=/usr/home/andrew/.... ?


> the install seemed to go fine but when I run testparm, I get the 
> following error:
> Load smb config files from /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
> params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file 
> "/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf":
>         Permission denied
> Error loading services.
> theheadwaters% ./testparm --help
> Load smb config files from /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
> params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file 
> "/usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf":
>         Permission denied
> Error loading services
> so, I'm guessing that I have to tell the correct path somewhere 
> else, but I can't find it.
> help would be appreciated.
> thanks,
> ***************************************
> Andrew Peterson
> andrew at
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