
Fernando Schutz fernando at
Mon Oct 1 12:31:04 GMT 2001

Hi palls.

I've tried to share a folder that need to be:
- invisible (browseable = no)
- and more security (>???? I don't know ????)

Had samba implemented some security? Like the sharing at NT?
That asks for a password???

Please help me.
       ___________________ ®         Obrigado!
      /                  /\     --------------------- 
     /  //~~~  //~~~    / /\      ·Fernando Schütz
    /  //~~   //___    / /\     ---------------------  
   /  //         //   / /\      Analista de Sistemas
  /  ··      ~~~~~   / /\       ---------------------
 /__________________/ /\        Work: +55(45)226.0026
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