File Locking - File Opened Read-Only Locks File for Read-Write Access

Thomas Scarpato tscarpato at
Thu Nov 8 15:45:02 GMT 2001

Configuration: Samba 2.2.1a on IBM AIX with W2K Professional clients

When a file is opened for read-only access, the file can not be opened
read-write by another user.

Specifically, MS Word 2000 template files (Work Group Templates) are
maintained in a shared Samba directory. File access is limited to the
template administrator via UNIX permissions (755) - The template
administrator is the owner of the files. The administrator has RWX
permissions and all other users have R_X permissions.

If a user is creating a document using a shared template, the template
file is opened by Samba read-only and if the administrator attempts to
edit the template, the file will only open read-only. If the user exits
the template based file, the administrator can open the template file

Any help will be appreciated..


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