can't login in mornings

Larry Clark xwindowuser at
Mon Jan 22 20:41:25 GMT 2001

I am trying this one again, I have a 10/100 mg switched network, NT and
novell also run on it. I have two(2) samba servers on the network. in
the mornings, when people come in and try to logon, they can logon to
the NT and novell servers, yet the logon to the samba servers are slow,
and most of the time they cannot connect and ask if next time they want
to try to connect, obviuosly they say yes, but this time after the whole
weekend, they all came in and cannot lo in. even if I go into the
windows explorer and click on the red x'ed out share, they sometimes
still don't connect. we have a WINS server on the wire for name
resolution, and there is a PDC which the samba server has an account.
for the life of me, I can't map a drive and consistently have it connect
after the night. mornings are a night mare and noone can connect, any
one else have this problem? thanks....

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