SAMBA setup.

MCCALL,DON (HP-USA,ex1) don_mccall at
Tue Jan 16 21:11:47 GMT 2001

Hello Han,
Check your ps -ef listing; what this message is saying is that someone is
already bound to port 137; possibly AS/U - check for a damon called 
netdemon in your listing; if it's there, run /opt/lmu/netbios/bin/nbutil -N
stop to get rid of it.
If that's it, let me know, and I will show you how to keep this from
starting up when you start you HP-UX system...
Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Han Tin [mailto:HanTin at USTSUBAKI.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, January 16, 2001 3:08 PM
To: samba at
Subject: SAMBA setup.

Dear professionals,
I am trying setup SAMBA on HP-UNIX 11.00.
What do I need to correct the following error log.

/var/opt/samba#tail log.nmb

[2001/01/16 08:17:13, 1] nmbd/nmbd.c:(757)
  Netbios nameserver version 2.0.7 started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1994-1998
[2001/01/16 08:17:13, 0] lib/util_sock.c:(862)
  bind failed on port 137 socket_addr= (Address already in use)
[2001/01/16 10:14:23, 1] nmbd/nmbd.c:(757)
  Netbios nameserver version 2.0.7 started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1994-1998
[2001/01/16 10:14:23, 0] lib/util_sock.c:(862)
  bind failed on port 137 socket_addr= (Address already in use)

THis log file looks O.K.

/var/opt/samba#tail log.smb
[2001/01/16 08:17:07, 1] smbd/server.c:(641)
  smbd version 2.0.7 started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1992-1998
[2001/01/16 08:17:07, 1] smbd/files.c:(215)
  file_init: Information only: requested 10000 open files, 2038 are
[2001/01/16 10:14:21, 1] smbd/server.c:(641)
  smbd version 2.0.7 started.
  Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1992-1998
[2001/01/16 10:14:21, 1] smbd/files.c:(215)
  file_init: Information only: requested 10000 open files, 2038 are

I would like to know someone who could help me setting up SAMBA. I am
getting very close.

Han Tin
Application Sys Adm, DBA
U.S. Tsubaki, Inc.
Voice: (847) 459-9500
FAX:  (847) 459-9098

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