SWAT Authorization failed

The Archimage archimage at linux-magic.com
Thu Jan 11 13:48:17 GMT 2001

How does it fail?  Authorization, or the web site just doesn't come up
at all?

Sounds like maybe a pam problem.  Do you have a swat or samba file in

The Archimage

Ed Jackson wrote:
> Has this question been answered as of yet (I couldn't find a reply when I
> searched)...
>  http://lists.samba.org/pipermail/samba/1999-July/017855.html
> I'm having the same problem with SAMBA_2_2 cvs install on redhat 7.0
> (2.2.16-22)
> I've setup my xinetd.d/swat file as follows:
> -----begin--------
> [root at bergamo xinetd.d]# cat swat
> # default: off
> # description: SWAT is the Samba Web Admin Tool. Use swat \
> #              to configure your Samba server. To use SWAT, \
> #              connect to port 901 with your favorite web browser.
> service swat
> {
>         port    = 901
>         socket_type     = stream
>         wait    = no
>         ##ej##only_from = localhost
>         user = root
>         ##ej##server    = /usr/sbin/swat
>         server = /usr/local/samba/bin/swat
>         log_on_failure  += USERID
>         ##ej##disable = yes
> }
> [root at bergamo xinetd.d]#
> ----------------
> I then restart xinetd and try connecting
> But it fails from the localhost and any other machine/browser...  I can't
> even find a log of what's happening.
> It did work with the initial RPM 2.0.7 install which I removed prior to
> installing the CVS downloaded 2.2 samba version.
> Any help will be appreciated - Ed Jackson

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