smbpasswd problem
tony at
Wed Feb 28 20:38:52 GMT 2001
I have sort of a similar problem... In my case, it was the "case" problem.
I was able to use smbclient and map the drive from NT only for root.
It happens to be that all of the rest of the users had capital letters in
it, and
the samba converted the user names to lower case and verify it.
So I had 'testUser' as a Unix user, and samba was trying to find 'testuser'
to verify. I haven't had a chance to find a fix, but I was able to log in
making all user names lower case.
This may or may not be the problem, but it's worth a shot. Did you try the
debugging mode? Try the debugging mode and look at the log files.
Tony Nakamura
----- Original Message -----
From: "Witness" <bmeyer67 at>
To: "Samba (General)" <samba at>
Cc: "Samba-NT DOM" <samba-ntdom at>
Sent: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 2:04 PM
Subject: smbpasswd problem
> I have a domain set up using Samba 2.0.7. However, none of the users can
> login because of the smbpasswd file. Even after running the 'smbpasswd'
> for each user when I added them to the system, it did not add them to
> the file. So I just generated one, as described in ENCRYPTION.txt, from
> a copy of the /etc/passwd file that had only the users I wanted added in
> it. It generated one, but the passwords don't match and I have no idea
> what the passwords are. I believe that I have the shadow passwords
> option enabled on the Linux system. What can I do to get the users to
> login? The only issue according to log.smb is that it is not finding the
> password or the correct password in the smbpasswd file.
> Thanks in advance,
> Benjamen R. Meyer
> Witness
> In response to M$-Windows:
> "A bug port! I knew it!"
> - Skuld, "Oh My Goddess"
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