SOLVED [cups] print_job: Unsupported format "application/octet-stream"

Bill Schoolcraft bill at
Sat Dec 29 13:36:02 GMT 2001

Gustavo Courault <courault at> has solved this for me with
the following advice and I have enclosed my smb.conf file in case it
may help anyone, I'm running Samba-2.2.2 and CUPS printing to a
Epson-777 injet via a Edimax $40 printserver attached to the back of
the printer with a static IP address assigned to the printer.

My OS is RedHat-6.2 


I uncomment the line in the /etc/cups/mime.types file: 


and in the /etc/cups/mime.convs file: 

*/*                    application/vnd.cups-raw


Bill Schoolcraft            
PO Box 210076                 -o)
San Francisco CA 94121         /\
"UNIX, A Way Of Life."        _\_v

-------------- next part --------------
# You need to uncomment two lines in two files #
# /etc/cups/mime.types uncomment the line at   #
# the end of the file that says:               #
# -----> application/octet-stream <-------     #
# and in the file called /etc/cups/mime.convs  #
# you need to uncomment the line that says:    #
# -----> */*  application/vnd.cups-raw <-----  #

workgroup = WORKGROUP
passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd
log level = 3
server string = Samba Server
hosts allow = 192.168.7.  127.
log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
max log size = 50
security = share
encrypt passwords = yes
socket options = TCP_NODELAY 
dns proxy = no
null passwords = yes
guest ok = yes
show add printer wizard = no
# Global Printer Stuff Below #
use client driver = yes
disable spoolss = yes
load printers = yes 
printcap name = cups
printing = cups

# End of Global Section    #

   browseable = yes
   writable = yes

   printer name = epson777
   path = /tmp
   printable = yes
   browseable = yes

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