Reg. Samba configuration

Ramanathan Nachiappan NachiappanR at
Thu Dec 27 21:09:03 GMT 2001

 Hi All

I am facing a lot of problem for connecting my Linux server as a member 
server in my Windows NT 4 based network. Kindley help me overcome it.
 Details about my current setup
 Linux Server
 Server : RH Linux 7.1
 Kernal : 2.4.2-1
 Samba Ver.: 2.2.2
 Network Details
 Windows NT 4.0 Details
 NetBios Names of the NT Servers
 BDC : Server
 Linux Details
 Name : Liunx 
 My smb.conf file details
 netbios name = linux
 hosts allow = 172.16.1. 127.
 guest ccount = pcguest
 security = domain
 password server = kms
 encrypt passwords = yes
 smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
 passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd %u
 passwd chat = *New*UNIX*password* %n\n *ReType*new*UNIX*password* %n\n 

I don't have DNS,NIS or NFS servers in my network.
I am using Class B Statci IPs for my local network.

 My problem:
1.  I can able to see my liunx system on Windows Network but i can able to access 
    the system. it's giving "network path not available" kind of error

2. SWAT is not working in my Linux system

My Requirement
1. I want to share the resources across the OSes using a single user name and password.
 help me

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