Printing & Samba 2.0.7

Shane Machon shane at
Mon Dec 3 20:16:02 GMT 2001


I have a site that has an old DOS (As in the OS!) program that prints
ASCII characters, since moving it onto a samba server (Used to be on an
old NT Server), it now prints the UNIX equivalent of the DOS ASCII
values output from the program. For example, when the program attempts
to do a - character, it prints a strange accent character (which is the
correct ASCII character for UNIX).

How do I change Samba to use DOS ASCII instead it's traditional UNIX

I have tried changing the character set in smb.conf to 'client code page
= 437', which is what the windows clients are using. However this did
not fix the problem.

Im running debian 2.2 with samba 2.0.7 & PDC support.

Any assistance appreciated!

Network Administrator
Technical Project Manager
Two Purple Plums Pty Ltd.
TPP Internet Development 
(NetNames Australasia) 

  PO Box 334, Manly 
  NSW, 1655, Australia 
  Tel. +61 2 9970 5242 
  Fax. +61 2 9970 8262 
  Eml. shane at

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