2.2.2, XFS, ACL, PAM, user/group listing problems

Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima tony at cantech.net.au
Mon Dec 3 20:20:03 GMT 2001

On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Robert Cope wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 11:40:23AM +0800, Anthony J. Breeds-Taurima wrote:
> > Gotta be something wring in your smb.conf.  I run a similar setup here (except
> > I use ext2 NOT XFS).  It all works well.
> > 
> > Can we see your [global] section from smb.conf.
> Tony,
> Ya'll are welcome to see anything you want if it helps.. :)

Can't garrantee that but I'll try.
> Are you using ext2 patched for ACLs?

Yup.  I get the data from:
it supports ext3 BUT I haven't migrated yet.  I'm ruuning ext3+acls on a test
box and it seems stable.
> -----
> [global]
> security = domain 
> workgroup = testDomain
> password server = WPDC
> encrypt passwords = yes
> template shell = /bin/false

Okay so you obvisouly NOT expecting anyone to login and get a shell.

> template homedir = /home/%D/%U
> winbind separator = +
> winbind uid = 1001-2000
> winbind gid = 1001-2000
> add user script = /etc/samba/adduser.domain %u

This shouldn't really be needed, as all the accounts come from winbindd

> wins server =

Also you will want to look at:
   winbind enum users = no
   winbind enum groups = no

As the memory footprint of winbindd is large if it enumerates this data.
The drawback to this is some things don't quite work as you'd expect.
I have it turned off here.  See the man page for more details.

Well It dosen't look like there is anything that stands out I'm sorry.
Try removeing the "add user script" option and restart.

If that doen't help we're goinf to have to get into debug dumps.

Yours Tony.

 * "The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the 
 * same level of thinking we were at when we created them."
 * --Albert Einstein

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