winbindd mapping table share?

Benoit Friry friry at
Thu Apr 19 08:52:57 GMT 2001


Winbind looks like the program which can solve many of my problems. :)

But it seems to me there is one big limitation: each Unix client has its
own mapping table. The problem is that with many Unix clients, each
client will map differently the association rid-uid, and it is a huge
problem to share data over NFS!

So my questions are: 
1) am I wrong? (i hope)
2) is there a means to share this table? *
   (via NFS or NIS for instance)
or better
3) is it possible to have only one winbindd which is accessed by all
nsswitches and pam?

thanks a lot!


Benoît FRIRY
trainee at ILL
friry at

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