FW: Semaphore error timeout

TPsmith at ixl.com TPsmith at ixl.com
Fri Oct 20 03:29:38 GMT 2000

NOPE!!! No one, not one sole gave me an answer.
If anyone knows how to help me with a semaphore timeout, without just
pointing me to a non-clear link, please contact me. 
I am not the only person with this issue.
If you are part of the SAMBA organization, and you just don't know, then
just come out and say it.

I am not trying to be a prick, just hoping that we can all help one another
in this arena....

thanks for listening,


-----Original Message-----
From: mduran at bamo.com [mailto:mduran at bamo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 19, 2000 9:24 PM
To: TPsmith at ixl.com
Subject: Semaphore error timeout

I just recently viewed your post re. semaphore errors.
I really hope someone got back to you re: you call for help.  I would help
if I could. However, I would like to know if you were able to fix the
problem.  If so, would you be so kind as to let me know what you did to
remdey the problem?

I'm running samba on a Linux box/file server to enable 20 + clients running
NT4, sp4-5, to log-on witin our LAN.  The users are getting the same error
message as was stated on your post

If you haven't been able to remedy your problem, what did you do as an
alternative?  NT Server?

I really appreciate your insight in advance.  I'm a newbis to samba/linux

-Michael Duran
mduran at bamo.com

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